As you may now, I am a true chili head. 🌶️ When I got enough ripe chilis from Aji Limon, I started my first experiments hoping to find the next GREAT sauce recipe! Iteration 0 often is the hardest. You have an idea. You try it out. You taste it… Then you feel it from Brrhhh to *OMG it’s burning*… No, actually it was not that bad. But there is room for improvement. Today I harvested around 100 chilies of type NuMex Twilight and Aji Limon. I need even more of them in order to start a next iteration. Luckily, summer was (is) good with hot and dry periods but also with rain from time to time. Everything is still growing!

Today we harvested the potatoes, a lot of cherry tomatoes, a cucumber and as mentioned earlier: around 100 chilies!

Chili Season Report – 16. August 2020

  Scharfmacher - Chili Season Report 2020 (493.6 KiB, 1,669 hits)

Do you know some must-try sauce recipes? Comment!

Featured Image: Photo of our garden (by Flavio De Roni| Wanna use this image? Check Image Licensing first!


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