Spread Love not COVID – Face Masks

During this CoVid-19 pandemic some countries suggested wearing face masks to help the world in containing the coronavirus. In other countries wearing a face mask is even mandatory… In almost every store you can get those light blue hygienic masks now. But where’s the style gone? That’s why most of Read more…

Flipchart Akrobat

The day-to-day business of many companies today is characterized by agile methods. In many meetings, people move away from traditional powerpoint to collaborative forms, and the legendary flipchart is also being used more and more. This behaviour can be seen independent of the roles Scrum Master, Product Owner, Product Manager Read more…


I created this image long time ago. In my view, life is something that consists of many pieces which fit like a puzzle. LIFE IS BEAUTIFUL. Wanna have it as a shirt or something else? Have a look at Redbubble.  


Wie im vorherigen Post Standortbestimmung beschrieben sind die Stärken/Schwächen und Kernkompetenzen des Inhabers bei einer 1-Mann-Firma 1:1 diejenigen des Unternehmens. Die Die Stärken-Schwächen resp. Kernkompetenz-Analyse findet somit auf persönlicher Ebene statt. Karriereberater beginnen die Selbstreflexion oft mit dem Rad des Lebens. Die Lebensrad-Übung gibt Aufschluss über die umfassenden Themenbereiche, innerhalb Read more…